on your journey
There are times in our lives when we feel as though we’ve hit a wall. We can feel paralyzed with indecision, fear, sadness, loneliness… questioning our worth, value and purpose on this earth. These moments, days, weeks or sometimes even years can feel never ending. But as deeply challenging as it can be, those moments have the ability to propel us in a new direction. A new way of being. But we must allow it. We must desire it.
Maybe you are currently in one of these seasons. Or maybe you’re just feeling overwhelmed by life’s circumstances or starting to wonder if the path you’ve chosen is really what you want. It is normal to experience these feelings. And while it usually feels yucky, it is actually a wonderful thing! Questions require you to ask more questions. To dig a little deeper.
We have been trained to believe that these questions and negative feelings are bad things. Sometimes during these seasons of feeling intense stress we are prescribed meds to help us cope with the negative emotions and the body’s physical response to them. But what if we didn’t take the meds? What if instead we allowed these challenging experiences guide us to what it is our heart, mind and body actually need? The majority of us were not taught how to listen and honor our needs (mental, physical, emotional) and are now dealing with the affects from years of neglect.
But as painful as this can feel, it is NOT forever. If you want to be free, you can be. If you want to live a joy filled life, you can have it. Instead of white knuckling through the challenges of life and allowing pestering negative thoughts to rule your headspace, you can take authority over your life. You can seek out help to heal the wounds of your past. You can learn to love yourself in ways you didn’t believe possible.
By her hand exists for this very reason, We are here to support you on your journey to wholeness. It is never an easy path to take. And the process can feel exhausting at times. But it is a journey worth pursuing. And we are here, to walk hand in hand with you. Because we know, without a shadow of a doubt… YOU ARE WORTH IT.
“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.”